Cross-cultural workshops for corporate individuals and teams doing business abroad

Our cross-cultural workshops for businesses aim to develop awareness between people who do not share a common cultural framework, yet must work together effectively. These workshops are specifically designed to train global teams and employees doing business abroad.
Topics such as cross-cultural communication, conflict resolution and people management are part of the training for multi-cultural departments or teams. In addition, team-building exercises, geared toward understanding each other’s differences and similarities, are integrated into the workshops. All is done with the goal of achieving better interpersonal understanding and more effective communication within the business.
In our workshops for individuals, employees such as executives, managers or engineers doing business abroad are trained to conduct business negotiations successfully in a foreign environment. They also learn the ins and outs of the cultural challenges encountered in social settings and in specific situations, such as business meetings, presentations, trade shows and the hiring and firing of employees.

Cross-Cultural Workshops for individuals and families moving or living abroad

Forefront International Corporation offers cross-cultural workshops for employees and their families who are being relocated abroad or who are moving to this country for work. A move to a new country brings a wide range of challenges with it. Some challenges are quite obvious, like dealing with a new language; others, like knowing how to interpret a colleague’s response, are much subtler. Our workshops help people understand and prepare for these challenges by teaching them effective ways to adjust and thrive in their new cultural environment. Forefront cross-cultural workshops are taught by trainers who have experienced the culture the client is moving to or from. They understand the sometimes very subtle ways in which the new culture differs from the client’s native culture. Our workshops cover a vast number of subjects such as values, social interaction, communication styles and business practices, etiquette, protocol, negotiation styles and safety issues. All is geared to help the expat maneuver the inevitable stumbling blocks he or she will encounter in a foreign culture.

Whether it is your goal to achieve complete fluency in a foreign language or to be able to communicate at a basic level while traveling, Forefront International Corporation has a program for you.